I have worked locally for a number of years, I already knew a lot about Gent Law as I had acted opposite them on numerous property transactions and I always found the team to be friendly, professional and knowledgeable. I had seen in the past that they helped each other out and were able to assist on files even if it wasn’t assigned to them – I really liked the clearly supportive nature of the team.
The other big thing that attracted me to the role was the high scores and positive ratings given by clients – I strive to give the best possible service to my clients and it was obvious that Gent Law successfully do the same. It isn’t easy to get such positive feedback in Conveyancing due to its nature; it is stressful, difficult and fast paced, but the team are obviously doing something right to keep their clients so happy.
I am so excited to be part of the team at Gent Law and looking forward to what the future holds!